This page is where Drivers can find all relevant information to racing at the Merritt Speedway!

Before the Races

Before racing at the Merritt Speedway, we ask that every Car & Driver have a completed tower sheet so our announcer knows who you are. If you completed your car registration online, we have captured this information through there. If you have not, then you can either register by clicking Here or just filling out the tower sheet Here

Per our rules, every car that would like to race must be unloaded and ready to race 2 hours prior to time ins. In 2025 that means 3pm for Night Races, and 9am for day races.

After the Races

After the races are complete the pits ‘lock down’ for 30 minutes after the conclusion of the last race. This means that no vehicles can enter or exit the pits in that time.

Car Specific Info

All info for building & racing a legal car can be found in our rulebook here. If you are building a car and have any questions at all, we encourage that you reach out to tech, through

Available Car Numbers – as of January 21, 2025